1. Fold your hat with the side seams together, fur trim folded down, and slash along what will be the center front-- if the hat has a pompom, snip it off first.
2. Turn under and stitch a 3/8" hem along each side of the center front. Leave the fur unhemmed.
2. Cut off the pointed end of the hat so you can
3. Turn it inside out and wrap it around your doll. Pin along what will be the shoulder seams.
4. Stitch and trim the shoulder seams.
5. Fold along the center back, matching the seams and neck edges. Lower the front and back neckline by triming curves from the center front and center back to the shoulder seam.
6. Staystitch the neck edge: stitch a line 1/4" from the cut edge of the neckline you made. Clip the curve by making snips from the raw edge to the stitching line, about 1/4" apart--this will allow the fabric to lie flat when turned under.
7. Make the finished neck edge: with the wrong side up, turn the clipped seam allowance to the wrong side along the staystitching and stitch alongclose to the fold. Almost finished!
8. To finish the furry edge, turn up the fur strip, right sides together, and pin along the raw edges. Stitch, and turn the fur right side out.
9. On the right side, pin the long edge of the fur up, covering the seam where it's stitched to the cape. Machine or hand stitch. Add a hook and eye or ribbon ties for the closure. That's it!Felicity is ready for Christmas.
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