Thursday 23 February 2012

How to make winter pajamas for your doll (long johns)

Here I will show you a super simple way to make doll pajamas!
STEP ONE: Supplies! You need a doll, baby pajamas, LOTS of pins, a good pair of scissors, and your sewing machine.
STEP TWO: Turn the pajamas inside out and put it on your doll.
STEP THREE: Pin around the doll. You will make a seam across the neckline and shoulders, and down the arms. This will make the neck small enough for the doll. Then pin from below the wrist all the way around the legs and back up to the other wrist.

STEP FOUR: Carefully remove the pajamas, taking care not to lose or poke yourself with any pins. (This step also helps ensure your doll pajamas will go on and off the doll easily.)

STEP FIVE: Sew exactly on the line where you pinned, taking out pins as you go. (Sorry, it's hard to see the stitching in this photo.)
If your pajamas have a zipper, be sure to reinforce at the bottom of the zipper.

STEP SIX: Cut around your stitching, leaving at least 1/4" seam allowance.
STEP SEVEN: Turn the pajamas right side out, put them on the doll, and place a pin on the sleeve where you want the hem to be. Take off the pajamas, cut approximately 1/4" away from the pin, remove pin, and hem sleeves. (This is the hardest part of the whole project!)
STEP EIGHT: Put your jammies on your doll!

( I am using a baby doll)


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